Today in class today I walked in ready to work on my project and to further it even more. However, instead of today being a work day, today was a day for peer review with our fellow classmates. At first, I was a little weary to this as I prefer to get my work done independently, however, I'm glad I was given the opportunity to run through my film introduction with my fellow classmates.
I say this because I feel now more than ever I know exactly what I want to do for my introduction and how I want to approach it. I finally have an image in my head that I believe in my heart I can reproduce exactly how I desire. Thanks to Vanessa one of the girls who were in my peer review group, I am able to create a more enticing and mind-boggling version of my original concept.
Instead of the story being told through the girl's side, I want the story to be told through the lens of the stalker. This way the mind of the deranged man can be conveyed through what he is thinking and saying.
This new revelation of a simple change in perspective may seem minor to most, but to me... it got me excited to begin the film production process. I believe my excitement stems from my taking of Ap and A level AICE psychology courses which focus on the mental health of humans. I have always been a fanatic for all things psychology and am even considering double-majoring in college with Biology and Psychology on a pre-medical track to set me apart later on for Medical School. So to say I am psychology geek is an understatement. I am now to create the mind of a deranged man as he tracks his soon to be prey, the female from Starbucks.
Buckle Up and get ready for the ride!
Larissa Sallowicz
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