I feel like writing on here has become an everyday occurrence for me. Well, now that everything is planned out and ready to go its time for me to plan out my filming schedule. If you ask anyone who knows me, they will tell you I am one of the most organized and scheduled individuals they know… so this… this comes naturally to me. I want to have around 3-4 days reserved for recording purposes. I may think about recording on a cloudy day to add to the mystery and tension of the piece. I then want to reserve 2-3 days for editing in total. Lastly, I want to have a day to make sure the project is up to my standards and that every detail is perfect.
My film schedule looks something like this:
March 4th: Filming begins (I of outline)
March 8th: Filming (II of outline)
March 12th: Filming (III of outline)
March 18th: Filming (IV of outline)
March 19th: Editing begins
March 23rd: Editing continues
March 26th: Editing ends
March 31st: Finishing touches added, and project is finalized
Above is the tentative schedule for my filming process and the one I plan to follow. However, I hope to be ahead of schedule and start filming as soon as possible.
Talk to you soon,
Larissa Sallowicz
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