Wednesday, November 7, 2018

    Its Larissa again, the second post already... can you believe it? Well, I did some research regarding the genre I want to do for my short film, I think I am sure now that I want to do horror. My research is below in the form of a Data Base Entry.
  1. Data Base Entry
    1. Horror
    2. Horror conventions- Regarding the horror genre’s content, there are many specific conventions. In horror movies, there is often grim elements in the plot such as a death, murder, or a ghost presence. There is also often times a form of evil or a monster which the character must encounter. Furthermore, there is also a lot of blood or gruesome visuals which is meant to unsettle the viewer. In addition to these conventions, there is often jumpscares which are used to frighten the audience. Horror films often times take place in rather isolated environments or old places which often times have spirits. During the film itself, there are often characters who are either victims or protagonists. The target audience for the horror genre’s content is is those ages 15-25. This is because typically the young adult and teenage generation enjoy thriller films that excite.
    3. Horror conventions- Regarding the horror genre’s production techniques, there are often props which are associated with specific characters such as a chainsaw or machete. In the horror genre often times dark colors are used to give a sinister feeling as well as reds to remind of blood. Also, low and dim lighting techniques are used in horror to give the piece a dark evil feel. The costumes in horror tend to be dark to represent evil but often times white can be used to represent the good person or innocence. Often times the costumes themselves create a sense of fear from what the person is wearing or what special effects makeup they may have on. A few common features seen in the horror genre in regards to its production is weapons and masks. In horror films, many monsters and religious symbols are used as well depending on the plot of the film.
    4. Institutional conventions- Regarding the horror genre’s techniques in terms of marketing the posters and magazines for the film primarily have the main character or monster as the main focus. Also, the colors of the marketing whether it be ads or posters tend to be dark to keep in the traditional conventions of horror. Also, the horror movie trailers focus on using mystery to create intrigue and this can be done by showing a few of the characters and not revealing the entire story. Other marketing strategies which are used for horror movies are using social media to create hype to the release of the film. Also, horror films use marketing techniques such as bringing the spookiness to real life which was seen to advertise the movie “IT” where red balloons were left in sewers to advertise the movie.
    5. Film sample- One sample of a film which exemplifies the horror genre is “IT.” This film encompasses everything about a horror genre due to its grim elements which are used to scare the viewer such as Pennywise the clown. Elements such as these are used to scare the viewer. In addition to characters instilling fear in the viewer, jump scares do as well which once again establish the horror genre for the film. Also, the use of dark and scary Mise En Sine establishes further its horror genre.
    6. Film sample- Another film which encompasses the horror genre is “The Human Centipede.” This movie focuses on the more gruesome aspects of horror used to disgust the viewer. The film uses a monster who is the main character who commits harm against his victims which once again reestablishes the horror genre. Also, the setting of the characters house being in an isolated desolate forest shows the genre characteristics of horror as well. Another aspect is the violence shown in the film and the general idea behind it being about harm.
    7. Additional examples:

It follows
Get out

The Shinning
The Conjuring
The Exorcist

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My final thoughts... Thank you for listening and f...